Sunday, April 12, 2015


I’m proud to be called a ‘Braman’ but except all these fact,I’m proud to be called a ‘Nepali’ as this is my main identity that recognizes me among the whole world rather than a Newar or a Janajati. But it doesn’t mean that I’m against my caste,community ethnicity rather I’m in favor of “Unity in Diversity”.

Talking about the present context of Nepal,the situation is deteriorating day by day.Everyone is compelled to show their dissatisfaction towards the step of present government.As it is known to everyone that today’s hot issue is the ‘constitution’ whose date has been increasing since 3/4 years,but now the mind of people has been diverted into another issue so badly.It can be said that people were very much hopeful with the present government with a lots of ‘fragmentation’,everyone’s hope has been converted into hopeless.almost people of every parts of the country are in the streets through demonstrations everywhere.Maybe the political leaders who are in the top and responsible position of the nation have brought this proposal with some positive ideas but the message that is spread among people has created many negative impressions towards them.Just before some days of the introduction of the new constitution ,such demonstrations and the mass movements are carried on in different parts of the country and hasn’t it become a great challenge to

 our so-called constitution makers ?And now everyone is in a puzzle whether the new constitution would be made in such a critical condition or not.It is beyond my level of understanding what the political leaders do want in reality creating the misunderstanding in between people of different caste,community and ethnicity at the last date of the introduction of the new constitution.In a simple language,I mean to say what may be the main reason behind making the issue of fragmentation as the main agenda in the last moment.It’s not a good idea in view because I think 3 geographical regions,5 development regions,14 zones and 75 districts are enough for division.Then,the main question is why they want to divide the country on the basis of caste,ethnicity and other unnecessary matters.Historically also,it can be said that the country has developed a lot through these divisions only as well.

But these all don’t mean that we,Nepalese people are against the government.In the past also,we had supported it,are also supporting if needed and will also support in future as well but it should be in favor of people. From the school level,we had been taught that”Nepal is only Hindu country in the world… Our king is the carnation of lord vishnu …..Nepal is a common garden if 4 castes and 36 sub-castes and so on.But later,the lass movement of 2062/63 B.S. has brought a lot of changes in this aspect.Simply saying,the government decided to make Nepal free from Hindu country…we accepted it…it also made the country independent from the autocracy if the king and his government,we again welcomed with a full support.Not only this we also agreed their proposal of changing National anthem which was a very serious topic but now,they are trying to disturb our one and only identification,i.e.,”Unity in Diversity”which is not tolerable to everyone.It is not only the issue of a single caste or community rather it is the matter of Peace and Unity of the whole country.Not only inside the country,it is also trying to destroy the reputation of the country at the international level as well which is a matter of shame.
As it is known to all that”Democracy is of the people by the people and for the people” but what sorts of constitution is going to be made which is against the public interest…better to say…whats sorts of Loktantra or Ganatranta is this in our local language…I’m quite surprised.We appreciate that new things should be mentioned in the new constitution but what sorts of new thing this is that us disturbing the unity of the whole nation.So,now everyone is compelled to come out in the street in order to protect their caste,community
& ethnicity as we all are habituated with all these since our past.

The situation has reached in such a condition that when we meet our friends,then besides other matter,we start to talk about who belong to which caste & community.It signifies that we have started to give first priority yo our caste and community rather than nationality…Somehow we are in the phase where we are forgetting our national integrity and fraternity which is not a good sign.Maybe it is the first record throughout the history of the country is facing the internal conflict in this issue.

Lastly,I want to push the concentration of every responsible & concerned people if this conflict in between the Nepalese is continued like this,then how they can form a ‘New Constitution’…finally a ‘New Nepal’?And I want to make a small but a serious request to every ideal citizen that do not only fight for “Undivided Far Western” or specific caste or area rather let’s fight for Undivided Nepal…better to say “Single Nepal”so that the saying “Unity in Diversity” will remain meaningful throughout the existence if Nepal as a whole.

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