Sunday, May 3, 2015

Is this a crime or illegal

 Any one who want to say that its true......what is this mean too. Is there any banks with this name or this is a fack. If it is true then is this a crime or illegal



This is to bring to your notice that I am delegated from the United Nations To Zenith Bank to pay 150 scam victims $1,000,000 USD (One Million Dollars) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to us as soon as possible for the immediate payments of your $1,000,000 USD compensations funds.

On this faithful recommendations,know that the U.N Body in conjunction with world bank and the Nigerian Government is now paying 150 victims of this operators $1,000,000 USD each in accordance with the U.N. recommendations the payments are to be supervised by the United Nations' Officials and the Central Bank Nigeria as the corresponding paying bank is ZENITH BANK PLC.

According to the number of applicants at hand, 114 Beneficiaries has been paid, half of the victims are from the United States, we still have more 36 left to be paid the compensations of $1,000,000 USD each.

In your response you must send the following information as listed below to him.

1. Full name
2. Phone and Fax number
3. Your age and current occupation
4. Attach copy of your identification
5. Current Home Address

Contact Mr.Jim Ovia to facilitate your payment Give him your File Reference (BB/04/77-U) as a prove to claim this funds and to confirm you still willing to claim your Funds. email:

View the UNITED NATIONS news link for details:

Yours Faithfully,
Prof Lauren Smith
UN Public Relation Officer
Sign: Secretary General Ban Ki-moon


Dear Email Owner,

The Mega Millions America lottery in conjunction with South Africa held on 9th March-

2015, is proud to inform you that you have won (£450.000.00, Four Hundred and Fifty

Thousand British Pounds Only), your E-mail address is one of the (9) lucky email who won in

the South Africa Lottery Campaign weekly Promotion. We wish to congratulate you on your

victory. The Winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre.
Details on the Winnings:


Ticket number: (7KSALND15) ballot number: (SA: 846814/09)
You are required to forward the details of winning to the Claim Agent to help facilitate the

processing of your claims.
(1) Full name:

(2) Nationality:

(3) Country of resident:

(4) Age:

(5) Sex:

(6) Marital status:

(7) Occupation:

(8) Company:

(9) Personal mobile number:

(10) Full address

You are advice to contact our judiciary agent with the details below below:

Name: Dr. Mark J. Adams


Direct Phone lines/ Fax: +27- 60-350-7057

www.Mega Millions

Note: you will give 5% of your total winning amount to the charity. Through the United

Nations to help the refugees from Haiti, Somalia, Philippines, Sudan ETC.

Congratulations Once again!

Yours in service,
Mrs. Susan Lee



 First, let me start by introducing myself My name is Mrs. Grace Manda a nationality of South Africa ,I was working with South Africa gold panning association. You can view the profile of South Africa gold panning association at (  ) and read about us.  I am married to late Mr.Bongani Manda; we were married for twenty years with a child. He died after an illness that lasted for four weeks. Please I know this may come to you by surprise, because you do not know me, I needed your assistance that was why I write you through divine direction, it is my desire of going into a relationship with you.


 Before his death we were both born again Christians. When my late husband was alive we deposited the sum of USD$30.5M (Thirty Million Five Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars) with Finance/bank Presently, This fund emanated as a result of an over-invoiced contract which he executed with the South Africa gold panning association. Though I assisted him in getting this contract but I never knew that it was over-invoiced by him. I am afraid that the government of South Africa might start to investigate on contracts awarded from South Africa gold panning association. This money is still with the bank. Recently my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next three months due to my cancer problem, though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or better still a Christian individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I want a person or church that will use this to fund churches, orphanages, research centers and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money but my son cannot carry out this work only because I and my late husband decide to use some of the money to work for God and live some for our son to have a better live. Our son is just 18year old now and been grow up in Africa, he has low maturity Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.

I will like you to understand that my contact to you is a divine direction from God; As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the new beneficiary of this fund. My happiness is that I live a life of a worthy Christian. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for a church or Christian individual for this same purpose.


Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here and Please I will like you to contact me immediately you receive this mail so that I will instruct the Finance/bank to Transfer this fund into your account.

Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.

Mrs. Grace Manda and Son Brian

God’s grace is sufficient for me

Mrs. Grace Manda Please Contact Me On My Private E-Mail

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Spam Making all Confused What acutually ?

Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Postal Address: Mirdamad Blvd., NO.144, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Switchboard: + 98 21 299 51,Telex: 216 219-22 MZBK IR,SWIFT Address: BMJIIRTH

Web Site:   E-mail: 


 Attention please



It was through a private research that I got your email address to contact you inquiring whether you will be interested in an offer put forward by a functionary in overseas for placement of investment funds through Discretionary Asset Management Agreement.


Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you.

I’m Seyed Mahmoud, I'm banking supervision Affairs Central Bank of Iran as well an account officer to a deceased customer of our bank, and we lost this customer Muammar Gaddafi in his fighting against the illuminati disaster on the October 20, 2011.

His account of US$30 million with us has been unclaimed due to unavailability of next of kin/relatives to claim his estate, oil companies.

I stand and promise I’m ready to offer you 50% percent means 50/50 of this fund if you render to assist in transferring this fund successfully.

Note. After I have done the needful, because of United Nation sanction against Iran, US Authority will control the fund by US Treasury Department Washington D.C USA due to the currency is their dollar currency and they will use Switzerland Bank or Bank of America to transfer the fund successfully to your home bank account.

I seek your cooperation to stand as the next of kin to enable us claim the inheritance before the period given by the bank elapse.

This is legitimate, the funds will be cleared within 7 bank working days once your details are regularized and approve as the new beneficiary here in Iran.

If this offer appeals to you, we will be glad to arrange for a meeting between me and you to discuss.

For you to believe me 100% could you make urgent time and visit me here in Iran let us meet face to face?

I can be reaching at Phone: +98 2129954855 but for security and safety of me and you don’t phone me now, come in person and meet here in Iran, if you can not come feel free to communicate with me via Email,  Email communication is 100% more secured for us.


If you want us to work together I will go ahead as soon I hear from you and I will details you more. However send me your reply through my private E-mail 




Private E-mail:

Phone: +98 2129954855



Dear: Lucky Winner.


       This is to inform you that your Email have won (£500 ,000.00GBP) (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GREAT BRITISH POUNDS) from Samsung Mobile Company United Kingdom which is organized by Samsung Mobile Company in conjunction with Chevron Texaco Oil and Gas Company, “Your Email Address" were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from Nine hundred thousand email from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international program which is conducted annually, 20 people was selected as our winners, Through electronic ballot System without the winner applying.?






1. Full Name: 

2. Contact Address: 

3. Age:

4. Sex:

5. Contact Number:

6. Occupation:

7. Country:

8. State:

9. Winning E-mail Address:





TEL: +447509753040, +447017450549
EMAIL :(                         



Dear Beloved
I'm Mrs. Marian Thompson, Jr. I am a widow and had no children of my own. I am married to the late Richard Thompson blessed memory. He worked with the British Embassy in Kuwait for 11 years and retired as a trader in the Oil and Gas industry and distribution of machine parts, before his death in 2006. After his death I decided not to remarry.
I have been battling with cancer for four years after his death, fibroid problems and hearing loss as a result of long-term response to drugs. We were married for twelve years without children. Recently, my doctor told me that I have about 3 months of life due to cancer.
We have a deposit of $ 28.3million in a bank in Turkey. I would like to invest those funds to charitable organizations, mosques and the less privileged. My only goal is to improve and change for the needy. I took this decision because I have no child that will inherit this money and I can not believe their relatives because they were hostile to me because I had cancer.
As soon as I receive your reply I will inform my lawyer to help with the distribution of resources. I want you to use this fund to help the underprivileged and to build an orphanage. The grace of God encouraged me to take this bold step. I want you. Also, assure me that you will act accordingly as I have said here.Contact me via my private Email
May God lead us
Mrs. Marian Thompson,


Baisakh 11, 2064 was declared as Loktantra Diwas and the celebrations were spread over three days. The leaders of major political parties took an opportunity to self-congratulate on this occasion. There was usual rhetoric of achievements and what future holds. They didn’t forget to exorcise evil spirits of ‘regressive’ and ‘reactionary’ forces, and also made the Nepalese aware that they are doing their best to keep these demons away. Their voices grew bolder and shriller when they vowed that they won’t let these dead demons rise from the grave. Of course, they promised to uphold the dreams of martyrs by clinging on to the power no-matter-what-may-come and as-long-as-possible till they fulfill the martyrs’ dreams. The only issue that didn’t find any mention is the current situation and possible strategies to overcome it. Perhaps, strong commitment and over-emphasis on immediate declaration of republic state was thought as a panacea of all ills in the short-run and the long-run.

The civic society and human-rights activists, who had been associate and collaborator of the political parties during Loktantric movement in April previous year, did not find any significant reason to share the same enthusiasm as the political parties did. They had a rather long list of aggravations, allegations and complaints. They unequivocally expressed dismay at the political brinkmanship of the coalition partners, instead of moving united towards the agreed-upon goal of holding the Constituent Assembly elections at the earliest to create ‘new’ Nepal and equitable society. In the end, they issued stern warning to initiate and lead Janandolan III if the political parties continued to ignore the ‘people’s mandate’ of Janandolan II.
Even on the backdrop of Loktantra Diwas, ever-present and all-pervasive dynamism of the Nepalese politics was evident. There was an unique exercise to bring all the left-leaning political parties under the republican banner. It appears that this broad alliance is being explored at the insistence of Indian Communist leader, Sitaram Yechuri, who was here to participate in a program organized to mark Loktantra Diwas. The media reported that the leaders of the left-leaning political parties were hopeful that this alliance would work out. Perhaps their hope emanates due to ‘Yechuri-effect’. However, the Nepalese political history shows that the leftist parties are very susceptible to disintegration because of ideological differences and personality clashes. At the same time, this proposed broad alliance hasn’t clearly indicated who would lead this alliance. As of now, there are two large left-leaning parties in the Interim Parliament with considerable clout – the Maoists and the CPN (UML). It is unlikely that either of two would be willing to accept the leadership of another in this alliance. Secondly, previous attempt of the CPN (UML) to form such broad alliance hasn’t been successful with smaller left parties accusing the CPN (UML) of domineering posture. Thirdly, except of the CPN (UML), other left parties have limited political base and negligible electoral significance – it is unlikely that they would increase the strength of the alliance to a great extent in the Constituent Assembly. Since the Maoists aren’t tested in the electoral battle as yet, it is inappropriate to speculate regarding their possible standing. Currently, negotiations and brainstorming are being held. In near future, there may be some developments in this regard.
The million-dollar question at present is whether the Constituent Assembly elections will be held in time. There is also a growing concern that whether it would be held at all. Because of adamancy on various issues posed by the very stakeholders, who continuously revert to the holy hymn of the Constituent Assembly elections when faced with any difficulty, it has been already postponed twice. At the same time, sluggish pace of the Interim government and unpredictable gestures of the coalition partners fail to provide reassurance. Earlier, the Election Commission clearly stated that conducting the Constituent Assembly elections isn’t possible as long as (1) the required laws aren’t framed and promulgated; and (2) security situation doesn’t improve. Even the UN and the international community have reiterated that the Constituent Assembly elections won’t be possible and meaningful if the demands of various interest-groups aren’t addressed.
However, there is lackluster response in this front. Though the committee was formed earlier and now there is a new convener of this committee, there is no perceptible difference in the functioning. In fact, we are exactly in the same position as we were before without any viable solution at sight.

And there is new Frankenstein in the form of the Youth Communist League (YCL). The Maoists leadership had presented convincing justification that YCL was created for the Nepalese youth to serve as an outlet to be involved in nation-building and also in various activities of the Maoists. Dr. Bhattrai had earlier spoken about able-bodied youth with defense training being imperative to safeguard the nation and national interest. On contrary to these justifications, the activists of YCL are showing increasingly violent behavior and served largely as storm-troopers of the Maoists. Instead of being involved in nation-building, they are involved in wide-scale arson and mayhem. They have strong inclination to take law into their hands and act as trigger-happy desperados. Their notable handiworks till date are widespread destruction of statues of the kings, beating of an hotelier in Kathmandu, and beating of an industrialist in Biratnagar. The general impression now is that YCL is largely the Maoists’ mechanism to spread red terror, and a potent weapon to force others into coercion and intimidation. Prominent leader of the Nepali Congress has already pointed out that the Maoists are training YCL to disrupt and rig the Constituent Assembly elections.

In view of these unwarranted events, for average Nepalese, a change in political leadership and declaration of Loktantra is yet to bear any significant fruit. There is a need for the political leaders that only rhetoric without any tangible and visible change doesn’t provide comfort.


The new important fact has been found during the investigation in Jitgadi, Butwal. This is the only victory place by Nepal during the Nepal - British war in 18th century. According to the Archaeological officer Bishnu Pathak, from investigation of Magh 4 to 18, the copper Gagri, Lime and concrete wall made of Shurki has been found. It is believe that the old structure of wall on the bank of river was shed. On the bottom of wall Bajralepan is also found.

 It is proved that this is related to the Palpali Sen dynasty. Cultural activities have been found on the place of investigation so, it is proved that there is human settlement in past. According to the Department of Archeology annual work schedule this work is done. Two stairways, the current Security Wall Manuel and the east wall of the fort signs were found in the riversides fords through the investigation.

Jitgadi Fort, a pride of all Nepalis for registering a victory against the British soldiers, seems to have lost the battle of its own survival due to lack of necessary renovation and conservation.

Nepali soldiers fought against the British, equipped with modern arms, from this fort and won a victory during the Anglo-Nepal war in 1814 AD.

However, the historical fort with age-old glory has now turned into a play ground these days, with no remarkable efforts made in the past few years for the conservation of the fort that carries historical and archeological importance.

According to historical records, the great warrior Amar Singh Thapa led troops that fought bravely against Shen dynasty and won Jitgadhi, the fort that lies at present Butwal Municipality-3.

The fort along with Butwal area, which was under the rule of Shen Dynasty, was merged into united Nepal after Thapa gained victory over Palpa.

The fort is a historical proof of the Nepali soldiers’ war skill and bravery and has maximum possibilities to be developed as a tourist centre.

The existence of the fort also highlights the ancient archeological and cultural importance of Butwal and its surroundings, according to former Deputy Mayor and Historian Bimal Bahadur Shakya.

Shakya said the grand state ruled by Shen Dynasty was established in the Jitgadhi area during 16th century when the 22 and 24 principalities were in existence.

Later, the same state was known as the prosperous and strong Shen state of Palpa. Shakya said Mukunda Shen, the first King of Shen dynasty Mukunda Shen developed various physical infrastructures for the state at the area and at the same time he constructed the fort for the safety of his state in the south.

It has been mentioned that Shen state ruled by the Shen dynasty was merged into united Nepal in 1863 BS after the troop led by Amar Shingh Thapa.

Bhimsen Thapa sent Amar Singh to attack Palpa when Prithvi Pal Shen was the king of Palpa and Amar Singh Thapa won the state of Palpa. Then, Jitgadhi and Butwal’s surrounding was also merged into united Nepal.

However, Jitgadhi became popular when a troop led by Ujir Singh Thapa, the grandson of Amar Singh, defeated British soldiers led by Major General Wood coming from Gorakhpur of India to attack Palpa in 1871 BS.

Historians mention that the Jitgadhi fort was called Jitgadhi since Shen dynasty’s period long before the victory over British soldiers.

The length of the fort is 205 feet from east to west while it is 55 feet wide. It looks very artistic and constructed with a very strong base. It is 4.3 feet high made up of 10-inch bricks and surki plastered wall.

Former Mayor of Butwal Municipality Bhoj Prasad Shrestha said the site that symbolizes with our ancestors’ bravery should be developed as a tourism centre. He said it could also be the place of research from the archeological point of view.

The Department of Archaeology had for the first time conducted a research after an excavation of the fort area in 2055 BS with support of the municipality. The excavation has revealed the fort´s gate, and weapons’ store house.

It is said an underground passage from the fort reaches to Nuwakot of Palpa district.

The fort is now surrounded with a wall and a park has been made inside the fort area. The municipality has taken the responsibility for the conservation of the fort.

Although, it allocates the budget for the conservation of the fort every year, due to the lack of sufficient budget and absence of archeologists conducting research work and excavation, progress has not been made for the complete study of the famous fort of historical importance, said senior official of the municipality Bishnu Khanal.

Khanal stresses on the need to make effective efforts from the Department of Archaeology for a study of the archeological aspects of the fort.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Butwal , Joining together Nepal

Butwal is a place where all from Nepal come and join together for anywhere to go with in Nepal. It is the mid point of whole Nepal. Also it is important for all historical and physical events. Peace and beautiful scenery of Nepal.  

A small city of about eight thousand hector square in area, situated on the low-altitude flat-land (Terai) near the border side to India, is a home to eighty thousand Nepalese of different religion, language, ethinicity and identity. Butwal connects Bhairahawa city, Tansen town, and Narayanghat city through different highways. Butwal is only 26KM from the Indian Border and about 22 km from Bhairahawa, and Tansen is about 36 KM away from Butwal.

  Butwal is known for commerce, industries and agriculture. It has Nepal's second largest horticulture business, and has more than one thousand industries and business enterprises employing over four thousand people. The Tinahu river waters Butwal's flat land, and many farmers use under-ground water system for drinking and supplying water to their farms. Many farmers here have embraced integrated farming, and schools and universities in this region continue to grow. Rice, Wheat, Bean, and Beaten Rice are popular agriculture produce. Many of such produce are equally imported from India and sold to major cities such as Kathmandu, Pokhara.
Visit Akhileshwor Mahadeva temple near the Manimukanda Park, a popular temple for praying and for holding marriage ceremonies. Today in Nepal, temples are favorite spots to get married at as it helps to prevent waste of money on show-off parties and dowry.
 The temple is located 1 Kilometer from Butwal, on the Siddhartha Highway to Tansen and Pokhara. Visit this temple to worship, and also to get an awesome view of the Tinau River.
 Climb the Nuwakot Hill Top (890 meter), located at north east of Butwal. Get breathless views of Himalayan range including Macchapuchhre in North and views of the Lumbini and Terai region from Butwal to Bhairahawa.

  Fly from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa and then drive from Bhairahawa to Butwal, or drive all the way to Pokhara to Butwal or from Narayanghat to Butwal. Many tourists chose to visit Butwal after visiting Lumbini, the Birth Place of Bouddha. The airfare from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa is about Rs 4500, and a bus ticket from Bhairahawa to Butwal is about Rs 65, and a bus ticket from Kathmandu to Butwal is about Rs 500

 Visit weekly open markets (now open on Wednesday and Saturday) that takes place near the Park. During the Butwal Haat (Bazaar), witness the color of grains, seeds, vegetables and kitchen utensils and a crowd of people buying and selling. The park has abundant flowers and greenery garden, and is an ideal place for picnic and a favorite hangout destination for lovers.
 The Tinau river divides the new and old (Purano) bazaar while two suspension bridges, one located at Pulchok and the other located at Haat Bazaar, connect the new and old bazaar. Cross the river to visit Ganesh Mandir, Narayan Temple, Buddhist Monastery, and Padma Chaitya Vihar. The Monastery is busy during Buddha's Birthday known as `Buddha Jayanti', during which time, thousands of pilgrimage pouring into the Lumbini region also visit this Monastery.


Money is primarily a medium of exchange or means of exchange. It is a way for a person to trade what he has for what he wants. Ideal money has three critical characteristics: it acts as a medium of exchange; it is an economic good; and it is a means of economic calculation.

To properly understand money as a medium of exchange one must first go back to the first methods of trade. Before money was invented one would have to engage in direct barter. A farmer who produced grain – but wanted shoes for his family – would have to find someone who, a) had shoes and, b) wanted grain. You can imagine the difficulty involved in finding that perfect someone who had what the farmer wanted and wanted what the farmer had.
Out of necessity, this gave rise to indirect barter. Continuing with our example above, let’s assume that the farmer found a shoemaker but discovered that the shoemaker did not want grain – he wanted candlesticks. While having a drink at the local pub he overheard the gentleman next to him lamenting that he needed grain in exchange for his candlesticks. Naturally, the farmer traded his grain for the candlesticks and went back to the shoemaker and traded the candlesticks for shoes. In this example, the farmer performed indirect barter when he used the candlesticks as a medium of exchange.

Over time, different commodities served as medium of exchange but the problem of marketability and durability came into play. A necessary and highly exchangeable commodity was food. The problem is that it was perishable. One had to either use it or trade it before it went bad. Over time, the most marketable and durable commodities came to be used as medium of exchange – commodities such as gold and silver. Since gold and silver  did not rust nor rot they were ideal economic goods. Over time they became the preferred medium of exchange.
Before the development of a medium of exchange, people would barter to obtain the goods and services they needed. This is basically how it worked: two individuals each possessing a commodity the other wanted or needed would enter into an agreement to trade their goods.
This early form of barter, however, does not provide the transferability and divisibility that makes trading efficient. For instance, if you have cows but need bananas, you must find someone who not only has bananas but also the desire for meat. What if you find someone who has the need for meat but no bananas and can only offer you bunnies? To get your meat, he or she must find someone who has bananas and wants bunnies ...
The lack of transferability of bartering for goods, as you can see, is tiring, confusing and inefficient. But that is not where the problems end: even if you find someone with whom to trade meat for bananas, you may not think a bunch of them is worth a whole cow. You would then have to devise a way to divide your cow (a messy business) and determine how many bananas you are willing to take for certain parts of your cow. (It can be hard to talk about money with your children, especially when times are tough. Talking About Money When Times Are Tough has some tips to make it easy.)
To solve these problems came commodity money, which is a kind of currency based on the value of an underlying commodity. Colonialists, for example, used beaver pelts and dried corn as currency for transactions. These kinds of commodities were chosen for a number of reasons. They were widely desired and therefore valuable, but they were also durable, portable and easily stored.
Another example of commodity money is the U.S. currency before 1971, which was backed by gold. Foreign governments were able to take their U.S. currency and exchange it for gold with the U.S. Federal Reserve. If we think about this relationship between money and gold, we can gain some insight into how money gains its value: like the beaver pelts and dried corn, gold is valuable purely because people want it.
It is not necessarily useful - after all, you can't eat it, and it won't keep you warm at night, but the majority of people think it is beautiful, and they know others think it is beautiful. Gold is something you can safely believe is valuable. Before 1971, gold therefore served as a physical token of what is valuable based on people's perception. (You don't need an MBA to learn how to save money and invest in your future

The second type of money is fiat money, which does away with the need to represent a physical commodity and takes on its worth the same way gold did: by means of people's perception and faith. Fiat money was introduced because gold is a scarce resource and economies growing quickly couldn't always mine enough gold to back their money requirement. For a booming economy, the need for gold to give money value is extremely inefficient, especially when, as we already established, value is really created through people's perception.

Fiat money, then becomes the token of people's apprehension of worth - the basis for why money is created. An economy that is growing is apparently doing a good job of producing other things that are valuable to itself and to other economies. Generally, the stronger the economy, the stronger its money will be perceived (and sought after) and vice versa. But, remember, this perception, although abstract, must somehow be backed by how well the economy can produce concrete things and services that people want.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

love you mom

We love our parents. They grow up us and give us many things which we want in our life.
But now days we don't care our parents and neglected them because of our uneducated and dirty mind.
In Nepal, if the children have left home/ married, they will come with presents and delicacies to spend time with their mother. The entire day is filled with festivities around the country.
Children whose mothers have already passed away visit the place called ‘Mata-Tirtha’ which is situated at about 15 km to the west of Kathmandu or some other holy place elsewhere in Nepal to make offerings to the souls of their departed mothers. Mata means mother; tirtha means a holy place. Thus, this name suggests the holy place for them to visit for making offerings to the deceased mothers once a year.
A religious festival is held at ‘Mata-Tirtha’ on the Mother’s day for a whole day. There is a legendary natural pond at ‘Mata-Tirtha’ where Nepali people pay homage to their deceased mothers. Thousands of people take a quick bath in the water flowing from the nearby stone spouts, and then they go to the holy pond to make offerings to their deceased mothers. They believe that the souls of their mothers come to this natural pond to accept their offerings on this day. Thereafter, they worship Shiva Linga located next to the holy pond.

A legend behind this day goes as follows. Shepherds used to quench their thirst with the cold water from the natural pond at the current day ‘Mata-Tirtha’ when they went to graze their cattle in a nearby forest. One day, one of the shepherds whose mother was already died happened to go to drink water from this pond she saw the image of her dead mother in the clear water of the pond. She was so excited by this that she went to every house in that village to tell them about how she had seen her mother’s image in the pond. Since then Nepali people have believed that they can see the image of their deceased mothers in the water of this holy spring. So, Nepali people from different parts of the country visit this pond on this day hoping to see the image of their departed mother. Thus, this place came to be a holy place for those who have lost their mothers. Also those who cannot go to Mata-Tirtha shower at home or take a quick dip in the water of a holy river early in the morning then offer a platter of sweets, fruits and money to a priest in the memory of their departed mother.

In Nepal the first year of marriage is considered to be very important. So during every festival, there are things you are meant to do. This affects how you celebrate Dashain, Tihar, Father’s Day, Mother’s day and more. Last year, I had my first Father’s day after the wedding and my MIL made sure it was a special one for my dad. This year, it is my first Mother’s Day after the wedding so it will be really special for my mum. My MIL is doing everything that she can to make sure this day is memorable for my mum. I know a few details about what is going to happen but I will wait for things to happen today and will update in details about my special Mother’s day. Just so excited to Skype with my mum later and receive photos from Nepal afterwards.
So if you haven’t called you mum to wish her, do give her a call and make her smile. And to all the proud moms out there, Happy Mother’s day. Also father is one of the leading and hero of our life. I love mom and dad. I am the child of both.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Deauli / kul Puja video clips

                                                     Human beings take themselves superior for having the capacity of development of culture to their environment for survival. From the beginning of civilization, people prepared, accumulated the knowledge and preserved it as a form of culture. Culture is the body of thought and knowledge both theoretical and practical, which only man can possess. It is the sum total of achievements which develops traits by traits. Among them kulpuja ritual is one of the central traits. In this paper, I explore why rituals like kulpuja are celebrated and what relation they have with the behavior of the indigenous people—the Magars of Langaun of Baglung district, western Nepal. The research was carried out by using descriptive and explanatory research design. Participant observation, group discussion and key informant interview were carried out to collect the primary data. The Magars are rich in their ritual activities; among them kulpuja is the most important one. Like other castes and many ethnic groups of the world, the Magars of Langaun also sacrifice and offer chicken and black pig’s heart for their ancestral god. They believe on supreme power which is able for the termination of the evil eyes as well as other obstacles and illness by the happiness of their ancestral god. The offering of a live heart is a unique feature which is carried out emotionally. The rate of generation gap is clearly seen between the members of Magars. The elders are worried about the increasing rate of dependency in their offspring and feel how the children are able to survive within their environment. The importance of this ritual bind among the members of the community is deteriorating continuously in the name of modernization in younger members of the community.

Thursday, April 16, 2015



In most of the literature or article I have found, where it’s mentioned that BRAMANS are either Buddhist or Hindu. Hindu you can say, looking at the present culture we are following but we were never always Hindu or Buddhist. My personal perception perception is that BRAMANS are actually Nature worshippers.

First of all most of the BRAMANS doesnt even know BRAMAN language, what can we expect from them. One of our most celebrated festival thats Kulayan Pooja we worship our ansastors. I am sure this is actually the BRAMANS real festival, before dasian and tihar brought by Khas people. In every BRAMAN village there are different devtas worshipped by them.
Human beings take themselves superior for having the capacity of development of culture to their environment for survival. From the beginning of civilization, people prepared, accumulated the knowledge and preserved it as a form of culture. Culture is the body of thought and knowledge both theoretical and practical, which only man can possess. It is the sum total of achievements which develops traits by traits. Among them kulpuja ritual is one of the central traits. In this paper, I explore why rituals like kulpuja are celebrated and what relation they have with the behavior of the indigenous people—the BRAMANS of Langaun of Baglung district, western Nepal. The research was carried out by using descriptive and explanatory research design. Participant observation, group discussion and key informant interview were carried out to collect the primary data. The BRAMANS are rich in their ritual activities; among them kulpuja is the most important one. Like other castes and many ethnic groups of the world, the BRAMANS of Langaun. They believe on supreme power which is able for the termination of the evil eyes as well as other obstacles and illness by the happiness of their ancestral god. The offering of a live heart is a unique feature which is carried out emotionally. The rate of generation gap is clearly seen between the members of BRAMANS. The elders are worried about the increasing rate of dependency in their offspring and feel how the children are able to survive within their environment. The importance of this ritual bind among the members of the community is deteriorating continuously in the name of modernization in younger members of the community.